Everyone is loved here.
I know the one thing you’re not supposed to talk about is politics. But it’s not so much politics as humanity. So I’m going to put my cards on the table right away, to make sure we are on the same page from the beginning. We are allies and advocates here. Love is love. Human rights matter. Black lives matter. Human autonomy matters. While we’re at it - Science is real. Everyone who works with The Poppy and The Peony will be treated with dignity, respect, and genuine appreciation for the person they are at this moment in time.

Hi. It’s Bunny. The face behind The Poppy and The Peony.
I still get nervous before I deliver every bridal bouquet. What a precious little gem you have entrusted to me. I do not take that responsibility lightly.
I have lived in several large cities across the country - San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, New Orleans, and Detroit. Detroit is my favorite.
Matt My Husband (as he’s labelled in my phone) is our CEO of Transportation and Janitorial Services. He does have a regular day job which pays a bit better than I do.
Our dog is named Tim Gunn. Our daughter is named Theodora. And our son is Emerson Owen James. We like names.
Odds are high that my children will join me for part of the wedding set up. Odds are also high that I will change several times throughout the day. I can do casual-to-fancy real fast.
I have a Masters in Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse. In another life I was a quirky college professor. I still have all of my teaching files stored in a google folder, just in case I need them.
I have never met a challenge I can’t figure out. I am freakishly organized (when I want to be), and an excellent problem solver.
There is a place for glitter and sparkle. It is not always needed. But sometimes it sure is.
According to my mother, I function better sleep deprived than any other human she has ever met. Which bodes quite well for my clients.
I like to say I am a healthy eater. But let’s be honest - I will pick the gelato and french pastry over a salad every time. Every. Time.
My bag always contains wet wipes, tape, ribbon, bandaids, and chapstick. Almost all of these are needed on the regular.